Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Get STX tokens for the testnet
address required | string STX address |
stacking | boolean Default: false Request the amount of STX needed for stacking |
{- "success": true,
- "txId": "0xf2f0402f9f4c4d43b382690c4f7b97e24d5ff5dd5c619e3615daa64dca7ef4bc",
- "txRaw": "80800000000400164247d6f2b425ac5771423ae6c80c754f7172b0000000000000003200000000000000b400008537046ff1008368baaa3ff2235122c556b89dad4f9df0639b924cf32a44b866497e49846b24191e711b21faaae96ca0542e4a140168484740b94211cececb3303020000000000051ab52c45b1a7977204f17ac0b6f48306aea2dbb8e9000000000007a12046617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get BTC tokens for the testnet
address required | string BTC address |
{- "success": true,
- "txId": "0xf2f0402f9f4c4d43b382690c4f7b97e24d5ff5dd5c619e3615daa64dca7ef4bc",
- "txRaw": "80800000000400164247d6f2b425ac5771423ae6c80c754f7172b0000000000000003200000000000000b400008537046ff1008368baaa3ff2235122c556b89dad4f9df0639b924cf32a44b866497e49846b24191e711b21faaae96ca0542e4a140168484740b94211cececb3303020000000000051ab52c45b1a7977204f17ac0b6f48306aea2dbb8e9000000000007a12046617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get all recently mined transactions
If using TypeScript, import typings for this response from our types package:
import type { TransactionResults } from '@stacks/stacks-blockchain-api-types';
limit | integer max number of transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first transaction to fetch |
type | Array of strings Items Enum: "coinbase" "token_transfer" "smart_contract" "contract_call" "poison_microblock" Filter by transaction type |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 10,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 101922,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0x20dedbef812e44d712569224411b27324b68ab4667321a4badd5e81ba76bf0eb",
- "nonce": 269,
- "fee_rate": "0",
- "sender_address": "SPQXK10DBF5ECAM30XVE3EJA8DNZF3VE0BK4MKV",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "on_chain_only",
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "block_hash": "0x28a9e2749b82bdc058776781a5abd5c9a6efed38f05545a8a51152655b8e1f4b",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x3789b75ccfe7f2acf85c3f069fd5b8f95f73aba5332fa618243957d1c017a2a3",
- "block_height": 21709,
- "burn_block_time": 1626286436,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-07-14T18:13:56.000Z",
- "canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 0,
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x0703",
- "repr": "(ok true)"
}, - "microblock_hash": "",
- "microblock_sequence": 2147483647,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "event_count": 0,
- "events": [ ],
- "tx_type": "coinbase",
- "coinbase_payload": {
- "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get all recently-broadcast mempool transactions
sender_address | string Filter to only return transactions with this sender address. |
recipient_address | string Filter to only return transactions with this recipient address (only applicable for STX transfer tx types). |
address | string Filter to only return transactions with this address as the sender or recipient (recipient only applicable for STX transfer tx types). |
limit | integer max number of mempool transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first mempool transaction to fetch |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 96,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 5,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0xb31df5a363dad31723324cb5e0eefa04d491519fd30827a521cbc830114aa50c",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "receipt_time": 1598288370,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T16:59:30.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "ST1GY25DM8RZV4X15X07THRZ2C5NMWPGQWKFGV87F",
- "amount": "500000",
- "memo": "0x46617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x5bed8e3f801cb4e2c74d2815a092f7c1c6a35f2fce4a80c80ca70848d34cb395",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "receipt_time": 1598282326,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T15:18:46.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "ST1PS1KF93VBY5A1JV7TM66KN046KP3E3761DBSAG",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "ST2H33S8SEY27QKEKQKR6S5PECYPKY45CQYGGQR8X",
- "amount": "1000",
- "memo": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x9916036fde08a207e581cdcabc18ff55469861cb81194ab0e3e7c9a02cd5a17c",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598258958,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T08:49:18.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8.test-loans-1",
- "source_code": "(define-data-var stx-loaned int 0)\n(define-data-var lockup-period int 0)\n(define-data-var stx-return int 0)\n(define-public (get-stx-return (stx uint) (months uint))\n (ok\n (begin\n (var-set stx-loaned (to-int(stx))\n (var-set lockup-period (to-int(months))\n (calculate-stx-return)\n (print (var-get stx-return))\n (transfer-to-server)\n )\n )\n)\n(define-private (calculate-stx-return)\n (ok\n (begin\n (var-set stx-return (- (+ (* (/ (* (var-get stx-loaned) 5) 100) (var-get lockup-period)) (var-get stx-loaned)) 5))\n )\n )\n)\n(define-private (transfer-to-server)\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (stx-transfer? (to-uint (var-get stx-loaned)) tx-sender 'ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8))\n (ok (to-uint (var-get stx-loaned)))\n )\n)"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x871fb186c8d6ac6ede2822c71074d9884b593c0d7f2d0d6e8516e615484d7501",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598230365,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T00:52:45.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1.contract-hook-1598230358601",
- "source_code": ";; ## CUSTOM FUNCTION TO EXTRACT A SUBSTRING\n\n(define-read-only (subs (source (buff 10)) \n (start int) \n (end int))\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 0 start) (<= start 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: start\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 0 end) (<= end 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: end\")))\n (let ((temp1 (fold subs1 source \n {start: start, end: end, cursor: 1, data: \"\"})))\n (let ((data (get data temp1))) \n data))))\n \n;; Call the function to extract the substring between the bounds:\n\n;; (subs \"123456789\" 2 5)\n\n(define-read-only (subs1 \n (ch (buff 1))\n (acc {data: (buff 10), \n start: int,\n end: int,\n cursor: int})) \n (let ((data (get data acc))\n (start (get start acc))\n (cursor (get cursor acc))\n (end (get end acc))) \n (let ((temp2 \n {cursor: (+ 1 cursor),\n data: (default-to \"\"\n (as-max-len?\n (concat data \n (if (let ((temp3 start)\n (temp4 cursor)\n (temp5 end))\n (and (<= temp3 temp4)\n (<= temp4 temp5)))\n ch \n \"\"))\n u10))}))\n {start: (get start acc),\n end: (get end acc),\n cursor: (get cursor temp2),\n data: (get data temp2)})))\n"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x66df10d99d3a26018f521d60e9f744b083386c73e47ad39c394d570abee55f1f",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598230066,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T00:47:46.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1.contract-hook-1598230054238",
- "source_code": "(define-read-only (subs1 \n (ch (buff 1))\n (acc {data: (buff 10), \n start: int,\n end: int,\n cursor: int}))\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get start acc)) (<= (get start acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: start\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get end acc)) (<= (get end acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: end\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get cursor acc)) (<= (get cursor acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: cursor\")))\n (let ((data (get data acc))\n (start (get start acc))\n (cursor (get cursor acc))\n (end (get end acc))) \n (let ((temp1 \n {cursor: (+ 1 cursor),\n data: (default-to \"\"\n (as-max-len?\n (concat data \n (if (let ((temp2 start)\n (temp3 cursor)\n (temp4 end))\n (and (<= temp2 temp3)\n (<= temp3 temp4)))\n ch \n \"\"))\n u10))}))\n {start: (get start acc),\n end: (get end acc),\n cursor: (get cursor temp1),\n data: (get data temp1)}))))\n"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x7402d8e52204d6c8cba7465e159e79750338c3ee31d4fe6ddef1d4d226304b65",
- "nonce": 1,
- "fee_rate": "227",
- "sender_address": "SP1HJDP35SSMYP98CG8SHMYHMZDK0A495ZCH6ARYS",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [
- {
- "type": "stx",
- "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
- "amount": "88884500",
- "principal": {
- "type_id": "principal_standard",
- "address": "SP2J6HSSDYSTM71S0K0KK4YWRKX59JN1AD52M4B59"
], - "anchor_mode": "any",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "receipt_time": 1626286631,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2021-07-14T18:17:11.000Z",
- "tx_type": "contract_call",
- "contract_call": {
- "contract_id": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE.send-many-memo",
- "function_name": "send-many",
- "function_signature": "(define-public (send-many (recipients (list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint))))))",
- "function_args": [
- {
- "hex": "0x0b000000010c00000003046d656d6f020000000e357a62597346716a52336d736b7102746f0516b734e97043840503dc1091661c105d32b7c5c75d047573747801000000000000000000000000054c4514",
- "repr": "(list (tuple (memo 0x357a62597346716a52336d736b71) (to SP2VK9TBG8E20A0YW228PC70GBMSBFHE7BNVMKB57) (ustx u88884500)))",
- "name": "recipients",
- "type": "(list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint)))"
Get all recently-broadcast mempool transactions
limit | integer max number of mempool transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first mempool transaction to fetch |
{- "limit": 96,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 5,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0xb31df5a363dad31723324cb5e0eefa04d491519fd30827a521cbc830114aa50c",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "receipt_time": 1598288370,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T16:59:30.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "ST1GY25DM8RZV4X15X07THRZ2C5NMWPGQWKFGV87F",
- "amount": "500000",
- "memo": "0x46617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x5bed8e3f801cb4e2c74d2815a092f7c1c6a35f2fce4a80c80ca70848d34cb395",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "receipt_time": 1598282326,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T15:18:46.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "ST1PS1KF93VBY5A1JV7TM66KN046KP3E3761DBSAG",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "ST2H33S8SEY27QKEKQKR6S5PECYPKY45CQYGGQR8X",
- "amount": "1000",
- "memo": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x9916036fde08a207e581cdcabc18ff55469861cb81194ab0e3e7c9a02cd5a17c",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598258958,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T08:49:18.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8.test-loans-1",
- "source_code": "(define-data-var stx-loaned int 0)\n(define-data-var lockup-period int 0)\n(define-data-var stx-return int 0)\n(define-public (get-stx-return (stx uint) (months uint))\n (ok\n (begin\n (var-set stx-loaned (to-int(stx))\n (var-set lockup-period (to-int(months))\n (calculate-stx-return)\n (print (var-get stx-return))\n (transfer-to-server)\n )\n )\n)\n(define-private (calculate-stx-return)\n (ok\n (begin\n (var-set stx-return (- (+ (* (/ (* (var-get stx-loaned) 5) 100) (var-get lockup-period)) (var-get stx-loaned)) 5))\n )\n )\n)\n(define-private (transfer-to-server)\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (stx-transfer? (to-uint (var-get stx-loaned)) tx-sender 'ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8))\n (ok (to-uint (var-get stx-loaned)))\n )\n)"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x871fb186c8d6ac6ede2822c71074d9884b593c0d7f2d0d6e8516e615484d7501",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598230365,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T00:52:45.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1.contract-hook-1598230358601",
- "source_code": ";; ## CUSTOM FUNCTION TO EXTRACT A SUBSTRING\n\n(define-read-only (subs (source (buff 10)) \n (start int) \n (end int))\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 0 start) (<= start 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: start\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 0 end) (<= end 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: end\")))\n (let ((temp1 (fold subs1 source \n {start: start, end: end, cursor: 1, data: \"\"})))\n (let ((data (get data temp1))) \n data))))\n \n;; Call the function to extract the substring between the bounds:\n\n;; (subs \"123456789\" 2 5)\n\n(define-read-only (subs1 \n (ch (buff 1))\n (acc {data: (buff 10), \n start: int,\n end: int,\n cursor: int})) \n (let ((data (get data acc))\n (start (get start acc))\n (cursor (get cursor acc))\n (end (get end acc))) \n (let ((temp2 \n {cursor: (+ 1 cursor),\n data: (default-to \"\"\n (as-max-len?\n (concat data \n (if (let ((temp3 start)\n (temp4 cursor)\n (temp5 end))\n (and (<= temp3 temp4)\n (<= temp4 temp5)))\n ch \n \"\"))\n u10))}))\n {start: (get start acc),\n end: (get end acc),\n cursor: (get cursor temp2),\n data: (get data temp2)})))\n"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x66df10d99d3a26018f521d60e9f744b083386c73e47ad39c394d570abee55f1f",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598230066,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T00:47:46.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1.contract-hook-1598230054238",
- "source_code": "(define-read-only (subs1 \n (ch (buff 1))\n (acc {data: (buff 10), \n start: int,\n end: int,\n cursor: int}))\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get start acc)) (<= (get start acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: start\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get end acc)) (<= (get end acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: end\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get cursor acc)) (<= (get cursor acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: cursor\")))\n (let ((data (get data acc))\n (start (get start acc))\n (cursor (get cursor acc))\n (end (get end acc))) \n (let ((temp1 \n {cursor: (+ 1 cursor),\n data: (default-to \"\"\n (as-max-len?\n (concat data \n (if (let ((temp2 start)\n (temp3 cursor)\n (temp4 end))\n (and (<= temp2 temp3)\n (<= temp3 temp4)))\n ch \n \"\"))\n u10))}))\n {start: (get start acc),\n end: (get end acc),\n cursor: (get cursor temp1),\n data: (get data temp1)}))))\n"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x7402d8e52204d6c8cba7465e159e79750338c3ee31d4fe6ddef1d4d226304b65",
- "nonce": 1,
- "fee_rate": "227",
- "sender_address": "SP1HJDP35SSMYP98CG8SHMYHMZDK0A495ZCH6ARYS",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [
- {
- "type": "stx",
- "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
- "amount": "88884500",
- "principal": {
- "type_id": "principal_standard",
- "address": "SP2J6HSSDYSTM71S0K0KK4YWRKX59JN1AD52M4B59"
], - "anchor_mode": "any",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "receipt_time": 1626286631,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2021-07-14T18:17:11.000Z",
- "tx_type": "contract_call",
- "contract_call": {
- "contract_id": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE.send-many-memo",
- "function_name": "send-many",
- "function_signature": "(define-public (send-many (recipients (list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint))))))",
- "function_args": [
- {
- "hex": "0x0b000000010c00000003046d656d6f020000000e357a62597346716a52336d736b7102746f0516b734e97043840503dc1091661c105d32b7c5c75d047573747801000000000000000000000000054c4514",
- "repr": "(list (tuple (memo 0x357a62597346716a52336d736b71) (to SP2VK9TBG8E20A0YW228PC70GBMSBFHE7BNVMKB57) (ustx u88884500)))",
- "name": "recipients",
- "type": "(list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint)))"
Get a specific transaction by ID
import type { Transaction } from '@stacks/stacks-blockchain-api-types';
tx_id required | string Hash of transaction |
event_offset | integer Default: 0 The number of events to skip |
event_limit | integer Default: 96 The numbers of events to return |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "tx_id": "0x5e9f3933e358df6a73fec0d47ce3e1062c20812c129f5294e6f37a8d27c051d9",
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_type": "coinbase",
- "fee_rate": "0",
- "sender_address": "ST3WCQ6S0DFT7YHF53M8JPKGDS1N1GSSR91677XF1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "microblock_hash": "",
- "microblock_sequence": 2147483647,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "block_hash": "0x58412b50266debd0c35b1a20348ad9c0f17e5525fb155a97033256c83c9e2491",
- "block_height": 3231,
- "burn_block_time": 1594230455,
- "canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 0,
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x03",
- "repr": "true"
}, - "coinbase_payload": {
- "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Broadcast raw transactions on the network. You can use the @stacks/transactions project to generate a raw transaction payload.
binary format of 00000000010400bed38c2aadffa348931bcb542880ff79d607afec000000000000000000000000000000c800012b0b1fff6cccd0974966dcd665835838f0985be508e1322e09fb3d751eca132c492bda720f9ef1768d14fdabed6127560ba52d5e3ac470dcb60b784e97dc88c9030200000000000516df0ba3e79792be7be5e50a370289accfc8c9e032000000000000303974657374206d656d6f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
{- "error": "transaction rejected",
- "reason": "BadNonce",
- "reason_data": {
- "actual": 4,
- "expected": 0,
- "is_origin": true,
- "principal": "ST2ZRX0K27GW0SP3GJCEMHD95TQGJMKB7G9Y0X1MH"
}, - "txid": "caf6fd60ae05b0c2d19ef14ab6a7670b1095d117fa7c80224c74e76214d0a791"
Get all transactions in block
block_hash required | string Hash of block |
limit | integer max number of transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first transaction to fetch |
{- "limit": 10,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 101922,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0x20dedbef812e44d712569224411b27324b68ab4667321a4badd5e81ba76bf0eb",
- "nonce": 269,
- "fee_rate": "0",
- "sender_address": "SPQXK10DBF5ECAM30XVE3EJA8DNZF3VE0BK4MKV",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "on_chain_only",
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "block_hash": "0x28a9e2749b82bdc058776781a5abd5c9a6efed38f05545a8a51152655b8e1f4b",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x3789b75ccfe7f2acf85c3f069fd5b8f95f73aba5332fa618243957d1c017a2a3",
- "block_height": 21709,
- "burn_block_time": 1626286436,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-07-14T18:13:56.000Z",
- "canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 0,
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x0703",
- "repr": "(ok true)"
}, - "microblock_hash": "",
- "microblock_sequence": 2147483647,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "event_count": 0,
- "events": [ ],
- "tx_type": "coinbase",
- "coinbase_payload": {
- "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get all transactions in block by height
height required | integer Height of block |
limit | integer max number of transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first transaction to fetch |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 10,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 101922,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0x20dedbef812e44d712569224411b27324b68ab4667321a4badd5e81ba76bf0eb",
- "nonce": 269,
- "fee_rate": "0",
- "sender_address": "SPQXK10DBF5ECAM30XVE3EJA8DNZF3VE0BK4MKV",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "on_chain_only",
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "block_hash": "0x28a9e2749b82bdc058776781a5abd5c9a6efed38f05545a8a51152655b8e1f4b",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x3789b75ccfe7f2acf85c3f069fd5b8f95f73aba5332fa618243957d1c017a2a3",
- "block_height": 21709,
- "burn_block_time": 1626286436,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-07-14T18:13:56.000Z",
- "canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 0,
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x0703",
- "repr": "(ok true)"
}, - "microblock_hash": "",
- "microblock_sequence": 2147483647,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "event_count": 0,
- "events": [ ],
- "tx_type": "coinbase",
- "coinbase_payload": {
- "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get all transactions for address in mempool
address required | string Transactions for the address |
limit | integer max number of transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first transaction to fetch |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 96,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 5,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0xb31df5a363dad31723324cb5e0eefa04d491519fd30827a521cbc830114aa50c",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "receipt_time": 1598288370,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T16:59:30.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "STB44HYPYAT2BB2QE513NSP81HTMYWBJP02HPGK6",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "ST1GY25DM8RZV4X15X07THRZ2C5NMWPGQWKFGV87F",
- "amount": "500000",
- "memo": "0x46617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x5bed8e3f801cb4e2c74d2815a092f7c1c6a35f2fce4a80c80ca70848d34cb395",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "receipt_time": 1598282326,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T15:18:46.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "ST1PS1KF93VBY5A1JV7TM66KN046KP3E3761DBSAG",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "ST2H33S8SEY27QKEKQKR6S5PECYPKY45CQYGGQR8X",
- "amount": "1000",
- "memo": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x9916036fde08a207e581cdcabc18ff55469861cb81194ab0e3e7c9a02cd5a17c",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598258958,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T08:49:18.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8.test-loans-1",
- "source_code": "(define-data-var stx-loaned int 0)\n(define-data-var lockup-period int 0)\n(define-data-var stx-return int 0)\n(define-public (get-stx-return (stx uint) (months uint))\n (ok\n (begin\n (var-set stx-loaned (to-int(stx))\n (var-set lockup-period (to-int(months))\n (calculate-stx-return)\n (print (var-get stx-return))\n (transfer-to-server)\n )\n )\n)\n(define-private (calculate-stx-return)\n (ok\n (begin\n (var-set stx-return (- (+ (* (/ (* (var-get stx-loaned) 5) 100) (var-get lockup-period)) (var-get stx-loaned)) 5))\n )\n )\n)\n(define-private (transfer-to-server)\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (stx-transfer? (to-uint (var-get stx-loaned)) tx-sender 'ST2R1XSFXYHCSFE426HP45TTD8ZWV9XHX2SRP3XA8))\n (ok (to-uint (var-get stx-loaned)))\n )\n)"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x871fb186c8d6ac6ede2822c71074d9884b593c0d7f2d0d6e8516e615484d7501",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598230365,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T00:52:45.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1.contract-hook-1598230358601",
- "source_code": ";; ## CUSTOM FUNCTION TO EXTRACT A SUBSTRING\n\n(define-read-only (subs (source (buff 10)) \n (start int) \n (end int))\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 0 start) (<= start 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: start\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 0 end) (<= end 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: end\")))\n (let ((temp1 (fold subs1 source \n {start: start, end: end, cursor: 1, data: \"\"})))\n (let ((data (get data temp1))) \n data))))\n \n;; Call the function to extract the substring between the bounds:\n\n;; (subs \"123456789\" 2 5)\n\n(define-read-only (subs1 \n (ch (buff 1))\n (acc {data: (buff 10), \n start: int,\n end: int,\n cursor: int})) \n (let ((data (get data acc))\n (start (get start acc))\n (cursor (get cursor acc))\n (end (get end acc))) \n (let ((temp2 \n {cursor: (+ 1 cursor),\n data: (default-to \"\"\n (as-max-len?\n (concat data \n (if (let ((temp3 start)\n (temp4 cursor)\n (temp5 end))\n (and (<= temp3 temp4)\n (<= temp4 temp5)))\n ch \n \"\"))\n u10))}))\n {start: (get start acc),\n end: (get end acc),\n cursor: (get cursor temp2),\n data: (get data temp2)})))\n"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x66df10d99d3a26018f521d60e9f744b083386c73e47ad39c394d570abee55f1f",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "receipt_time": 1598230066,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2020-08-24T00:47:46.000Z",
- "fee_rate": "2000",
- "sender_address": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "anchor_mode": "any",
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "ST1FJGMWPGM1P7N0K3N9QEPZK5H1VDC5YWTVMEAZ1.contract-hook-1598230054238",
- "source_code": "(define-read-only (subs1 \n (ch (buff 1))\n (acc {data: (buff 10), \n start: int,\n end: int,\n cursor: int}))\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get start acc)) (<= (get start acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: start\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get end acc)) (<= (get end acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: end\")))\n (unwrap-panic (if (and (<= 1 (get cursor acc)) (<= (get cursor acc) 10)) (ok 1) (err \"Out of bounds: cursor\")))\n (let ((data (get data acc))\n (start (get start acc))\n (cursor (get cursor acc))\n (end (get end acc))) \n (let ((temp1 \n {cursor: (+ 1 cursor),\n data: (default-to \"\"\n (as-max-len?\n (concat data \n (if (let ((temp2 start)\n (temp3 cursor)\n (temp4 end))\n (and (<= temp2 temp3)\n (<= temp3 temp4)))\n ch \n \"\"))\n u10))}))\n {start: (get start acc),\n end: (get end acc),\n cursor: (get cursor temp1),\n data: (get data temp1)}))))\n"
}, - {
- "tx_id": "0x7402d8e52204d6c8cba7465e159e79750338c3ee31d4fe6ddef1d4d226304b65",
- "nonce": 1,
- "fee_rate": "227",
- "sender_address": "SP1HJDP35SSMYP98CG8SHMYHMZDK0A495ZCH6ARYS",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "post_conditions": [
- {
- "type": "stx",
- "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
- "amount": "88884500",
- "principal": {
- "type_id": "principal_standard",
- "address": "SP2J6HSSDYSTM71S0K0KK4YWRKX59JN1AD52M4B59"
], - "anchor_mode": "any",
- "tx_status": "pending",
- "receipt_time": 1626286631,
- "receipt_time_iso": "2021-07-14T18:17:11.000Z",
- "tx_type": "contract_call",
- "contract_call": {
- "contract_id": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE.send-many-memo",
- "function_name": "send-many",
- "function_signature": "(define-public (send-many (recipients (list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint))))))",
- "function_args": [
- {
- "hex": "0x0b000000010c00000003046d656d6f020000000e357a62597346716a52336d736b7102746f0516b734e97043840503dc1091661c105d32b7c5c75d047573747801000000000000000000000000054c4514",
- "repr": "(list (tuple (memo 0x357a62597346716a52336d736b71) (to SP2VK9TBG8E20A0YW228PC70GBMSBFHE7BNVMKB57) (ustx u88884500)))",
- "name": "recipients",
- "type": "(list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint)))"
limit | integer Max number of microblocks to fetch |
offset | integer Index of the first microblock to fetch |
{- "limit": 0,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "canonical": true,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "microblock_hash": "string",
- "microblock_sequence": 0,
- "microblock_parent_hash": "string",
- "block_height": 0,
- "parent_block_height": 0,
- "parent_block_hash": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_hash": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_time": 0,
- "parent_burn_block_time_iso": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_height": 0,
- "block_hash": "string",
- "txs": [
- "string"
Get a specific microblock by hash
hash required | string Hash of the microblock |
{- "canonical": true,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "microblock_hash": "string",
- "microblock_sequence": 0,
- "microblock_parent_hash": "string",
- "block_height": 0,
- "parent_block_height": 0,
- "parent_block_hash": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_hash": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_time": 0,
- "parent_burn_block_time_iso": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_height": 0,
- "block_hash": "string",
- "txs": [
- "string"
This contains transactions that have been streamed in microblocks but not yet accepted or rejected in an anchor block
{- "total": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "string",
- "nonce": 0,
- "fee_rate": "string",
- "sender_address": "string",
- "sponsored": true,
- "sponsor_address": "string",
- "post_condition_mode": "allow",
- "post_conditions": [
- {
- "principal": {
- "type_id": "principal_origin"
}, - "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
- "amount": "string",
- "type": "stx"
], - "anchor_mode": "on_chain_only",
- "block_hash": "string",
- "block_height": 0,
- "burn_block_time": 0,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "string",
- "parent_burn_block_time": 0,
- "parent_burn_block_time_iso": "string",
- "canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 0,
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "string",
- "repr": "string"
}, - "event_count": 0,
- "parent_block_hash": "string",
- "is_unanchored": true,
- "microblock_hash": "string",
- "microblock_sequence": 0,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "events": [
- {
- "event_index": 0,
- "event_type": "smart_contract_log",
- "tx_id": "string",
- "contract_log": {
- "contract_id": "string",
- "topic": "string",
- "value": {
- "hex": "string",
- "repr": "string"
], - "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "memo": "string"
Get all recently mined blocks
limit | integer max number of blocks to fetch |
offset | integer index of first block to fetch |
{- "limit": 1,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 21707,
- "results": [
- {
- "canonical": true,
- "height": 21698,
- "hash": "0x9be3e38eab9c7d094fd51792383c66706838d6392e95bc05cc730b8f7520e352",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x76ee36d1d6c88e56b5c0e80f0d7bc7d3492141faf1b900efb19fcd00457d4654",
- "burn_block_time": 1626281749,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-07-14T16:55:49.000Z",
- "burn_block_hash": "0x0000000000000000000ea16f8e906e85ee1cb4dff1e5424e93843b3cec8b0bcb",
- "burn_block_height": 691014,
- "miner_txid": "0x118f7122a69441d13e6a3dfd4c3b0f9950be25195bb8126aae7fadea1aa9185d",
- "parent_microblock_hash": "0x54647c277eefe60519b407f2c897749005fdb7f831034135063b2ee43fdacb04",
- "parent_microblock_sequence": 3,
- "txs": [
- "0x76f58b2eaff65a07a5971b241c4e71fee92ee0f9396809f911f90839f9004cac",
- "0x32972d9052b068f218f6e13451f7aff937099b74bbf95fac7d9402295b1b3941",
- "0x8cd30724c02a9cc1d8879a34dc136ebfdb2008420badcfb5947b92f85ebce79b",
- "0xf5c1577f42d3753a508101e045dd2dc60491eb0aa552e0ecd0ad37cc697143f4",
- "0x35e4c20e2838f999e0cf0b40c5fabce154c2df1912a1074150d26784c53f7a20",
- "0x501eb42b82e5b7a7350b47fa143cd4e90bb46d43e4a7d22830b2bf2aa70b7922"
], - "microblocks_accepted": [
- "0x54647c277eefe60519b407f2c897749005fdb7f831034135063b2ee43fdacb04",
- "0xdaf61d2b355f35c94cf019af99aeb73d8e7db7301c7cd693a464ebd1cfc2228c",
- "0xb9e9b308cf9621ecbf66ca7b4689fe384b9b67c4588ec827d8163ab602fb935e",
- "0x754562cba6ec243f90485e97778ab472f462fd123ef5b83cc79d8759ca8875f5"
], - "microblocks_streamed": [
- "0x54647c277eefe60519b407f2c897749005fdb7f831034135063b2ee43fdacb04",
- "0xdaf61d2b355f35c94cf019af99aeb73d8e7db7301c7cd693a464ebd1cfc2228c",
- "0xb9e9b308cf9621ecbf66ca7b4689fe384b9b67c4588ec827d8163ab602fb935e",
- "0x754562cba6ec243f90485e97778ab472f462fd123ef5b83cc79d8759ca8875f5"
Get a specific block by hash
hash required | string Hash of the block |
{- "canonical": true,
- "height": 3275,
- "hash": "0xe77ba8cf6bb7c0e4f64adc83356289ed467d31a22354907b4bb814590058430f",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x75ab21ef25cbff2caa14c27d830ed7886a4d1522e1b6f9e5dc3b59ccf73ed49f",
- "burn_block_time": 1594233639,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2020-08-27T16:41:26.000Z",
- "burn_block_hash": "0xb154c008df2101023a6d0d54986b3964cee58119eed14f5bed98e15678e18fe2",
- "burn_block_height": 654439,
- "miner_txid": "0xd7d56070277ccd87b42acf0c91f915dd181f9db4cf878a4e95518bc397c240cc",
- "parent_microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "parent_microblock_sequence": 2,
- "txs": [
- "0x4262db117659d1ca9406970c8f44ffd3d8f11f8e18c591d2e3960f4070107754",
- "0x383632cd3b5464dffb684082750fcfaddd1f52625bbb9f884ed8f45d2b1f0547",
- "0xc99fe597e44b8bd15a50eec660c6e679a7144a5a8553d214b9d5f1406d278c22"
], - "microblocks_accepted": [
- "0xce0b1a4099d3fc7d5885cc7a3baa952b6d999f9709d0683b98b843597208231c",
- "0x4c0529b6448a5885991c5021bd869cc97f1692c128a98b382729dc962203c326",
- "0x64968846291dfea1015228a9d4bbd60aac81378cd6774b810b08e59e6b0e7494"
], - "microblocks_streamed": [
- "0xb5650ef855f7d90fc146942e85cf9fac3a8c47ec408aca02f3cf9ed7c82f6cc6",
- "0xeeb9aa5741d84aa0bc5de4f2fbdeae57ae29694479475d45a67ae7bd7e2c98f3",
- "0x4f4c368d5f06fdf6065c5bafd9cb37391fddc9c279cfc57be35e4bf8ee932cbd",
- "0xde2fc8d99872c827f144c752c002d29f9315dfc09472a09572ac7447ae623dea"
Get a specific block by height
height required | number Height of the block |
{- "canonical": true,
- "height": 3275,
- "hash": "0xe77ba8cf6bb7c0e4f64adc83356289ed467d31a22354907b4bb814590058430f",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x75ab21ef25cbff2caa14c27d830ed7886a4d1522e1b6f9e5dc3b59ccf73ed49f",
- "burn_block_time": 1594233639,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2020-08-27T16:41:26.000Z",
- "burn_block_hash": "0xb154c008df2101023a6d0d54986b3964cee58119eed14f5bed98e15678e18fe2",
- "burn_block_height": 654439,
- "miner_txid": "0xd7d56070277ccd87b42acf0c91f915dd181f9db4cf878a4e95518bc397c240cc",
- "parent_microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "parent_microblock_sequence": 2,
- "txs": [
- "0x4262db117659d1ca9406970c8f44ffd3d8f11f8e18c591d2e3960f4070107754",
- "0x383632cd3b5464dffb684082750fcfaddd1f52625bbb9f884ed8f45d2b1f0547",
- "0xc99fe597e44b8bd15a50eec660c6e679a7144a5a8553d214b9d5f1406d278c22"
], - "microblocks_accepted": [
- "0xce0b1a4099d3fc7d5885cc7a3baa952b6d999f9709d0683b98b843597208231c",
- "0x4c0529b6448a5885991c5021bd869cc97f1692c128a98b382729dc962203c326",
- "0x64968846291dfea1015228a9d4bbd60aac81378cd6774b810b08e59e6b0e7494"
], - "microblocks_streamed": [
- "0xb5650ef855f7d90fc146942e85cf9fac3a8c47ec408aca02f3cf9ed7c82f6cc6",
- "0xeeb9aa5741d84aa0bc5de4f2fbdeae57ae29694479475d45a67ae7bd7e2c98f3",
- "0x4f4c368d5f06fdf6065c5bafd9cb37391fddc9c279cfc57be35e4bf8ee932cbd",
- "0xde2fc8d99872c827f144c752c002d29f9315dfc09472a09572ac7447ae623dea"
Get a specific block by burnchain block hash
burn_block_hash required | string Hash of the burnchain block |
{- "canonical": true,
- "height": 3275,
- "hash": "0xe77ba8cf6bb7c0e4f64adc83356289ed467d31a22354907b4bb814590058430f",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x75ab21ef25cbff2caa14c27d830ed7886a4d1522e1b6f9e5dc3b59ccf73ed49f",
- "burn_block_time": 1594233639,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2020-08-27T16:41:26.000Z",
- "burn_block_hash": "0xb154c008df2101023a6d0d54986b3964cee58119eed14f5bed98e15678e18fe2",
- "burn_block_height": 654439,
- "miner_txid": "0xd7d56070277ccd87b42acf0c91f915dd181f9db4cf878a4e95518bc397c240cc",
- "parent_microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "parent_microblock_sequence": 2,
- "txs": [
- "0x4262db117659d1ca9406970c8f44ffd3d8f11f8e18c591d2e3960f4070107754",
- "0x383632cd3b5464dffb684082750fcfaddd1f52625bbb9f884ed8f45d2b1f0547",
- "0xc99fe597e44b8bd15a50eec660c6e679a7144a5a8553d214b9d5f1406d278c22"
], - "microblocks_accepted": [
- "0xce0b1a4099d3fc7d5885cc7a3baa952b6d999f9709d0683b98b843597208231c",
- "0x4c0529b6448a5885991c5021bd869cc97f1692c128a98b382729dc962203c326",
- "0x64968846291dfea1015228a9d4bbd60aac81378cd6774b810b08e59e6b0e7494"
], - "microblocks_streamed": [
- "0xb5650ef855f7d90fc146942e85cf9fac3a8c47ec408aca02f3cf9ed7c82f6cc6",
- "0xeeb9aa5741d84aa0bc5de4f2fbdeae57ae29694479475d45a67ae7bd7e2c98f3",
- "0x4f4c368d5f06fdf6065c5bafd9cb37391fddc9c279cfc57be35e4bf8ee932cbd",
- "0xde2fc8d99872c827f144c752c002d29f9315dfc09472a09572ac7447ae623dea"
Get a specific block by burn chain height
burn_block_height required | number Height of the burn chain block |
{- "canonical": true,
- "height": 3275,
- "hash": "0xe77ba8cf6bb7c0e4f64adc83356289ed467d31a22354907b4bb814590058430f",
- "parent_block_hash": "0x75ab21ef25cbff2caa14c27d830ed7886a4d1522e1b6f9e5dc3b59ccf73ed49f",
- "burn_block_time": 1594233639,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2020-08-27T16:41:26.000Z",
- "burn_block_hash": "0xb154c008df2101023a6d0d54986b3964cee58119eed14f5bed98e15678e18fe2",
- "burn_block_height": 654439,
- "miner_txid": "0xd7d56070277ccd87b42acf0c91f915dd181f9db4cf878a4e95518bc397c240cc",
- "parent_microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "parent_microblock_sequence": 2,
- "txs": [
- "0x4262db117659d1ca9406970c8f44ffd3d8f11f8e18c591d2e3960f4070107754",
- "0x383632cd3b5464dffb684082750fcfaddd1f52625bbb9f884ed8f45d2b1f0547",
- "0xc99fe597e44b8bd15a50eec660c6e679a7144a5a8553d214b9d5f1406d278c22"
], - "microblocks_accepted": [
- "0xce0b1a4099d3fc7d5885cc7a3baa952b6d999f9709d0683b98b843597208231c",
- "0x4c0529b6448a5885991c5021bd869cc97f1692c128a98b382729dc962203c326",
- "0x64968846291dfea1015228a9d4bbd60aac81378cd6774b810b08e59e6b0e7494"
], - "microblocks_streamed": [
- "0xb5650ef855f7d90fc146942e85cf9fac3a8c47ec408aca02f3cf9ed7c82f6cc6",
- "0xeeb9aa5741d84aa0bc5de4f2fbdeae57ae29694479475d45a67ae7bd7e2c98f3",
- "0x4f4c368d5f06fdf6065c5bafd9cb37391fddc9c279cfc57be35e4bf8ee932cbd",
- "0xde2fc8d99872c827f144c752c002d29f9315dfc09472a09572ac7447ae623dea"
Array of the Bitcoin addresses that would validly receive PoX commitments.
limit | integer max number of items to fetch |
offset | integer index of the first items to fetch |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 2,
- "results": [
- {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 331,
- "address": "1C56LYirKa3PFXFsvhSESgDy2acEHVAEt6",
- "slot_index": 0
}, - {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 331,
- "address": "1M3bvWB9CRh5BTumeVxtHDEV6W4S2R9AZw",
- "slot_index": 0
Array of the Bitcoin addresses that would validly receive PoX commitments.
address required | string Reward slot holder recipient address. Should either be in the native burnchain's format (e.g. B58 for Bitcoin), or if a STX principal address is provided it will be encoded as into the equivalent burnchain format |
limit | integer max number of items to fetch |
offset | integer index of the first items to fetch |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 2,
- "results": [
- {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 331,
- "address": "1C56LYirKa3PFXFsvhSESgDy2acEHVAEt6",
- "slot_index": 0
}, - {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 331,
- "address": "1M3bvWB9CRh5BTumeVxtHDEV6W4S2R9AZw",
- "slot_index": 0
Get a list of recent burnchain (e.g. Bitcoin) reward recipients with the associated amounts and block info
limit | integer max number of rewards to fetch |
offset | integer index of first rewards to fetch |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 331,
- "burn_amount": "12000",
- "reward_recipient": "1C56LYirKa3PFXFsvhSESgDy2acEHVAEt6",
- "reward_amount": "5000",
- "reward_index": 0
}, - {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 336,
- "burn_amount": "14000",
- "reward_recipient": "1M3bvWB9CRh5BTumeVxtHDEV6W4S2R9AZw",
- "reward_amount": "2000",
- "reward_index": 0
Get a list of recent burnchain (e.g. Bitcoin) rewards for the given recipient with the associated amounts and block info
address required | string Reward recipient address. Should either be in the native burnchain's format (e.g. B58 for Bitcoin), or if a STX principal address is provided it will be encoded as into the equivalent burnchain format |
limit | integer max number of rewards to fetch |
offset | integer index of first rewards to fetch |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 331,
- "burn_amount": "12000",
- "reward_recipient": "1C56LYirKa3PFXFsvhSESgDy2acEHVAEt6",
- "reward_amount": "5000",
- "reward_index": 0
}, - {
- "canonical": true,
- "burn_block_hash": "0x4eaabcd105865e471f697eff5dd5bd85d47ecb5a26a3379d74fae0ae87c40904",
- "burn_block_height": 336,
- "burn_amount": "14000",
- "reward_recipient": "1M3bvWB9CRh5BTumeVxtHDEV6W4S2R9AZw",
- "reward_amount": "2000",
- "reward_index": 0
Get the total burnchain (e.g. Bitcoin) rewards for the given recipient
address required | string Reward recipient address. Should either be in the native burnchain's format (e.g. B58 for Bitcoin), or if a STX principal address is provided it will be encoded as into the equivalent burnchain format |
{- "reward_recipient": "1C56LYirKa3PFXFsvhSESgDy2acEHVAEt6",
- "reward_amount": "18000"
Get contract info using the contract ID
contract_id required | string Contract identifier formatted as |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "tx_id": "0x8122b7ae041120ddc9e2f8108e165912e40ad146399d42d6e6cbca7fd2c8ac28",
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_type": "smart_contract",
- "fee_rate": "3000",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "allow",
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "microblock_hash": "",
- "microblock_sequence": 2147483647,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "block_hash": "0x105685d3d4f251d73b75865b192cefb111dd49f67b8970a95094dc7ecf826caa",
- "block_height": 3196,
- "burn_block_time": 1594228322,
- "canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 1,
- "post_conditions": [ ],
- "smart_contract": {
- "contract_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world",
- "source_code": "(define-constant sender 'SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR)\n(define-constant recipient 'SM2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQVX8X0G)\n\n(define-fungible-token novel-token-19)\n(begin (ft-mint? novel-token-19 u12 sender))\n(begin (ft-transfer? novel-token-19 u2 sender recipient))\n\n(define-non-fungible-token hello-nft uint)\n(begin (nft-mint? hello-nft u1 sender))\n(begin (nft-mint? hello-nft u2 sender))\n(begin (nft-transfer? hello-nft u1 sender recipient))\n\n(define-public (test-emit-event)\n (begin\n (print \"Event! Hello world\")\n (ok u1)))\n(begin (test-emit-event))\n\n(define-public (test-event-types)\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (ft-mint? novel-token-19 u3 recipient))\n (unwrap-panic (nft-mint? hello-nft u2 recipient))\n (unwrap-panic (stx-transfer? u60 tx-sender 'SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR))\n (unwrap-panic (stx-burn? u20 tx-sender))\n (ok u1)))\n\n(define-map store ((key (buff 32))) ((value (buff 32))))\n(define-public (get-value (key (buff 32)))\n (begin\n (match (map-get? store ((key key)))\n entry (ok (get value entry))\n (err 0))))\n(define-public (set-value (key (buff 32)) (value (buff 32)))\n (begin\n (map-set store ((key key)) ((value value)))\n (ok u1)))"
}, - "events": [
- {
- "event_index": 0,
- "event_type": "fungible_token_asset",
- "asset": {
- "asset_event_type": "mint",
- "asset_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world::novel-token-19",
- "sender": "",
- "recipient": "SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR",
- "amount": "12"
}, - {
- "event_index": 1,
- "event_type": "non_fungible_token_asset",
- "asset": {
- "asset_event_type": "mint",
- "asset_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world::hello-nft",
- "sender": "",
- "recipient": "SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x0100000000000000000000000000000001",
- "repr": "1"
}, - {
- "event_index": 2,
- "event_type": "non_fungible_token_asset",
- "asset": {
- "asset_event_type": "mint",
- "asset_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world::hello-nft",
- "sender": "",
- "recipient": "SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x0100000000000000000000000000000002",
- "repr": "2"
}, - {
- "event_index": 3,
- "event_type": "smart_contract_log",
- "contract_log": {
- "contract_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world",
- "topic": "print",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x02000000124576656e74212048656c6c6f20776f726c64",
- "repr": "\"Event! Hello world\""
}, - {
- "event_index": 4,
- "event_type": "fungible_token_asset",
- "asset": {
- "asset_event_type": "transfer",
- "asset_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world::novel-token-19",
- "sender": "SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR",
- "recipient": "SM2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQVX8X0G",
- "amount": "2"
}, - {
- "event_index": 5,
- "event_type": "non_fungible_token_asset",
- "asset": {
- "asset_event_type": "transfer",
- "asset_id": "STJTXEJPJPPVDNA9B052NSRRBGQCFNKVS178VGH1.hello_world::hello-nft",
- "sender": "SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR",
- "recipient": "SM2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQVX8X0G",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x0100000000000000000000000000000001",
- "repr": "1"
Get contract events using a contract ID
contract_id required | string Contract identifier formatted as |
limit | integer max number of contract events to fetch |
offset | integer index of first contract event to fetch |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "event_index": 1,
- "event_type": "smart_contract_log",
- "contract_log": {
- "contract_id": "ST2P7B9G6Y55QWZJ9B93DVSEG5S6Z4PFJHB3XRKHW.hello_world",
- "topic": "print",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x02000000124576656e74212048656c6c6f20776f726c64",
- "repr": "\"Event! Hello world\""
Get contract interface using a contract_address
and contract name
contract_address required | string Stacks address |
contract_name required | string Contract name |
tip | string The Stacks chain tip to query from |
{- "functions": [
- {
- "name": "get-value",
- "access": "public",
- "args": [
- {
- "name": "key",
- "type": {
- "buffer": {
- "length": 32
], - "outputs": {
- "type": {
- "response": {
- "ok": {
- "buffer": {
- "length": 32
}, - "error": "int128"
}, - {
- "name": "set-value",
- "access": "public",
- "args": [
- {
- "name": "key",
- "type": {
- "buffer": {
- "length": 32
}, - {
- "name": "value",
- "type": {
- "buffer": {
- "length": 32
], - "outputs": {
- "type": {
- "response": {
- "ok": "uint128",
- "error": "none"
}, - {
- "name": "test-emit-event",
- "access": "public",
- "args": [ ],
- "outputs": {
- "type": {
- "response": {
- "ok": "uint128",
- "error": "none"
}, - {
- "name": "test-event-types",
- "access": "public",
- "args": [ ],
- "outputs": {
- "type": {
- "response": {
- "ok": "uint128",
- "error": "none"
], - "variables": [
- {
- "name": "recipient",
- "type": "principal",
- "access": "constant"
}, - {
- "name": "sender",
- "type": "principal",
- "access": "constant"
], - "maps": [
- {
- "name": "store",
- "key": [
- {
- "name": "key",
- "type": {
- "buffer": {
- "length": 32
], - "value": [
- {
- "name": "value",
- "type": {
- "buffer": {
- "length": 32
], - "fungible_tokens": [
- {
- "name": "novel-token-19"
], - "non_fungible_tokens": [
- {
- "name": "hello-nft",
- "type": "uint128"
Attempt to fetch data from a contract data map. The contract is identified with [Stacks Address] and [Contract Name] in the URL path. The map is identified with [Map Name].
The key to lookup in the map is supplied via the POST body. This should be supplied as the hex string serialization of the key (which should be a Clarity value). Note, this is a JSON string atom.
In the response, data
is the hex serialization of the map response. Note that map responses are Clarity option types, for non-existent values, this is a serialized none, and for all other responses, it is a serialized (some ...) object.
contract_address required | string Stacks address |
contract_name required | string Contract name |
map_name required | string Map name |
proof | integer Returns object without the proof field when set to 0 |
tip | string The Stacks chain tip to query from |
Hex string serialization of the lookup key (which should be a Clarity value)
{- "data": "0x0a0c000000010a6d6f6e737465722d69640100000000000000000000000000000001",
- "proof": "0x123..."
Returns the Clarity source code of a given contract, along with the block height it was published in, and the MARF proof for the data
contract_address required | string Stacks address |
contract_name required | string Contract name |
proof | integer Returns object without the proof field if set to 0 |
tip | string The Stacks chain tip to query from |
{- "source": "(define-constant sender 'SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR)\n(define-constant recipient 'SM2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQVX8X0G)\n\n(define-fungible-token novel-token-19)\n(begin (ft-mint? novel-token-19 u12 sender))\n(begin (ft-transfer? novel-token-19 u2 sender recipient))\n\n(define-non-fungible-token hello-nft uint)\n(begin (nft-mint? hello-nft u1 sender))\n(begin (nft-mint? hello-nft u2 sender))\n(begin (nft-transfer? hello-nft u1 sender recipient))\n\n(define-public (test-emit-event)\n (begin\n (print \"Event! Hello world\")\n (ok u1)))\n(begin (test-emit-event))\n\n(define-public (test-event-types)\n (begin\n (unwrap-panic (ft-mint? novel-token-19 u3 recipient))\n (unwrap-panic (nft-mint? hello-nft u2 recipient))\n (unwrap-panic (stx-transfer? u60 tx-sender 'SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR))\n (unwrap-panic (stx-burn? u20 tx-sender))\n (ok u1)))\n\n(define-map store ((key (buff 32))) ((value (buff 32))))\n(define-public (get-value (key (buff 32)))\n (begin\n (match (map-get? store ((key key)))\n entry (ok (get value entry))\n (err 0))))\n(define-public (set-value (key (buff 32)) (value (buff 32)))\n (begin\n (map-set store ((key key)) ((value value)))\n (ok u1)))",
- "publish_height": 3196,
- "proof": "0000001104060000001ec4e..."
Call a read-only public function on a given smart contract.
The smart contract and function are specified using the URL path. The arguments and the simulated tx-sender are supplied via the POST body in the following JSON format:
contract_address required | string Stacks address |
contract_name required | string Contract name |
function_name required | string Function name |
tip | string The Stacks chain tip to query from |
map of arguments and the simulated tx-sender where sender is either a Contract identifier or a normal Stacks address, and arguments is an array of hex serialized Clarity values.
sender required | string The simulated tx-sender |
arguments required | Array of strings An array of hex serialized Clarity values |
{- "sender": "SP31DA6FTSJX2WGTZ69SFY11BH51NZMB0ZW97B5P0.get-info",
- "arguments": [
- "0x0011...",
- "0x00231..."
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "stx": {
- "balance": "1000000",
- "total_sent": "0",
- "total_received": "1000000",
- "lock_tx_id": "0xec94e7d20af8979b44d17a0520c126bf742b999a0fc7ddbcbe0ab21b228ecc8c",
- "locked": "50000",
- "lock_height": 100,
- "burnchain_lock_height": 100,
- "burnchain_unlock_height": 200
}, - "fungible_tokens": { },
- "non_fungible_tokens": { }
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "balance": "1000000",
- "total_sent": "0",
- "total_received": "1000000",
- "lock_tx_id": "0xec94e7d20af8979b44d17a0520c126bf742b999a0fc7ddbcbe0ab21b228ecc8c",
- "locked": "50000",
- "lock_height": 100,
- "burnchain_lock_height": 100,
- "burnchain_unlock_height": 200
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
limit | integer max number of account transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first account transaction to fetch |
height | number Filter for transactions only at this given block height |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 4989,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx_id": "0xb16077b94222bc1466396d30df13db460864e85ce929a20aae0a2ac80b31e4e2",
- "tx_status": "success",
- "tx_type": "coinbase",
- "fee_rate": "0",
- "sender_address": "ST2TJRHDHMYBQ417HFB0BDX430TQA5PXRX6495G1V",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "block_hash": "0x83f84f814c1b00ddb672d93b97d06c8326f76746d90a979c12b69e54beb73f69",
- "block_height": 5603,
- "burn_block_time": 1594335838,
- "canonical": true,
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "microblock_sequence": 5,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 0,
- "coinbase_payload": {
- "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
principal required | string Stacks address or a contract identifier |
tx_id required | string Transaction id |
{- "tx_id": "0x34d79c7cfc2fe525438736733e501a4bf0308a5556e3e080d1e2c0858aad7448",
- "tx_type": "contract_call",
- "nonce": 11,
- "fee_rate": "346",
- "sender_address": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "tx_status": "success",
- "block_hash": "0x13d1b4ad35c95bca209397420fb8af104d2929d91993ba056d7a1ca5470095f9",
- "block_height": 3246,
- "burn_block_time": 1613009951,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-02-11T02:19:11.000Z",
- "canonical": true,
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "microblock_sequence": 5,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 1,
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x0703",
- "repr": "(ok true)"
}, - "post_conditions": [
- {
- "type": "stx",
- "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
- "amount": "350",
- "principal": {
- "type_id": "principal_standard",
], - "contract_call": {
- "contract_id": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE.send-many-memo",
- "function_name": "send-many",
- "function_signature": "(define-public (send-many (recipients (list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint))))))",
- "function_args": [
- {
- "hex": "0x0b000000020c00000003046d656d6f020000000966697273746d656d6f02746f05168c031b2db5895ece0cdfbf76e0b0e8af67226a6f047573747801000000000000000000000000000000960c00000003046d656d6f020000000a7365636f6e646d656d6f02746f05168974da696d74a16d0955bc8e55720dfd39e789cf047573747801000000000000000000000000000000c8",
- "repr": "(list (tuple (memo 0x66697273746d656d6f) (to SP26066SDPP4NXKGCVYZQDR5GX2QPE8KADZ0YK2J7) (ustx u150)) (tuple (memo 0x7365636f6e646d656d6f) (to SP24Q9PK9DNTA2V89APY8WNBJ1QYKKSW9SWB04RJP) (ustx u200)))",
- "name": "recipients",
- "type": "(list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint)))"
}, - "events": [ ],
- "event_count": 4
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
limit | integer max number of account transactions to fetch |
offset | integer index of first account transaction to fetch |
height | number Filter for transactions only at this given block height |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 2,
- "results": [
- {
- "tx": {
- "tx_id": "0x34d79c7cfc2fe525438736733e501a4bf0308a5556e3e080d1e2c0858aad7448",
- "tx_type": "contract_call",
- "nonce": 11,
- "fee_rate": "346",
- "sender_address": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "tx_status": "success",
- "block_hash": "0x13d1b4ad35c95bca209397420fb8af104d2929d91993ba056d7a1ca5470095f9",
- "block_height": 3246,
- "burn_block_time": 1613009951,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-02-11T02:19:11.000Z",
- "canonical": true,
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "microblock_hash": "0x590a1bb1d7bcbeafce0a9fc8f8a69e369486192d14687fe95fbe4dc1c71d49df",
- "microblock_sequence": 5,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 1,
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x0703",
- "repr": "(ok true)"
}, - "post_conditions": [
- {
- "type": "stx",
- "condition_code": "sent_equal_to",
- "amount": "350",
- "principal": {
- "type_id": "principal_standard",
], - "contract_call": {
- "contract_id": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE.send-many-memo",
- "function_name": "send-many",
- "function_signature": "(define-public (send-many (recipients (list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint))))))",
- "function_args": [
- {
- "hex": "0x0b000000020c00000003046d656d6f020000000966697273746d656d6f02746f05168c031b2db5895ece0cdfbf76e0b0e8af67226a6f047573747801000000000000000000000000000000960c00000003046d656d6f020000000a7365636f6e646d656d6f02746f05168974da696d74a16d0955bc8e55720dfd39e789cf047573747801000000000000000000000000000000c8",
- "repr": "(list (tuple (memo 0x66697273746d656d6f) (to SP26066SDPP4NXKGCVYZQDR5GX2QPE8KADZ0YK2J7) (ustx u150)) (tuple (memo 0x7365636f6e646d656d6f) (to SP24Q9PK9DNTA2V89APY8WNBJ1QYKKSW9SWB04RJP) (ustx u200)))",
- "name": "recipients",
- "type": "(list 200 (tuple (memo (buff 34)) (to principal) (ustx uint)))"
}, - "events": [ ],
- "event_count": 4
}, - "stx_sent": "696",
- "stx_received": "0",
- "stx_transfers": [
- {
- "amount": "200",
- "recipient": "SP24Q9PK9DNTA2V89APY8WNBJ1QYKKSW9SWB04RJP"
}, - {
- "amount": "150",
- "recipient": "SP26066SDPP4NXKGCVYZQDR5GX2QPE8KADZ0YK2J7"
], - "ft_transfers": [
- {
- "amount": "103",
- "asset_identifier": "SP466FNC0P7JWTNM2R9T199QRZN1MYEDTAR0KP27.miamicoin-token::miamicoin",
- "recipient": "SP24Q9PK9DNTA2V89APY8WNBJ1QYKKSW9SWB04RJP"
], - "nft_transfers": [
- {
- "asset_identifier": "SP497E7RX3233ATBS2AB9G4WTHB63X5PBSP5VGAQ.boom-nfts::boom",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x00",
- "repr": "0"
- "recipient": "SP24Q9PK9DNTA2V89APY8WNBJ1QYKKSW9SWB04RJP"
}, - {
- "tx": {
- "tx_id": "0x628045bff13658396277d618e9a3e4d468a4b3876eff4941d2f13ed88cd7abb7",
- "tx_type": "token_transfer",
- "nonce": 8,
- "fee_rate": "180",
- "sender_address": "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE",
- "sponsored": false,
- "post_condition_mode": "deny",
- "tx_status": "success",
- "block_hash": "0x2b8599696f64e2456c67b1ab5e63078f99d87bd1d903c37fdcfd73b1890a7551",
- "block_height": 1761,
- "burn_block_time": 1611968237,
- "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-01-30T00:57:17.000Z",
- "canonical": true,
- "is_unanchored": false,
- "microblock_hash": "",
- "microblock_sequence": 2147483647,
- "microblock_canonical": true,
- "tx_index": 2,
- "tx_result": {
- "hex": "0x0703",
- "repr": "(ok true)"
}, - "token_transfer": {
- "recipient_address": "SPRSM0R2JZWBCZ39NQBARWTMX9TE99K3JK8D5KMX",
- "amount": "100000",
- "memo": "0x57656c636f6d6520746f20426f6f6d2e000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}, - "events": [ ],
- "event_count": 1
}, - "stx_sent": "100180",
- "stx_received": "0",
- "stx_transfers": [
- {
- "amount": "100000",
], - "ft_transfers": [ ],
- "nft_transfers": [ ]
principal required | string Stacks address (e.g. |
{- "last_mempool_tx_nonce": 5,
- "last_executed_tx_nonce": 2,
- "possible_next_nonce": 6,
- "detected_missing_nonces": [
- 3,
- 4
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
limit | integer max number of account assets to fetch |
offset | integer index of first account assets to fetch |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "event_index": 0,
- "event_type": "stx_asset",
- "tx_id": "0xb31df5a363dad31723324cb5e0eefa04d491519fd30827a521cbc830114aa50c",
- "asset": {
- "asset_event_type": "transfer",
- "recipient": "ST2TJRHDHMYBQ417HFB0BDX430TQA5PXRX6495G1V",
- "amount": "500000"
Get a list of STX transfers with memos to the given principal. This includes regular transfers from a stx-transfer transaction type,
and transfers from contract-call transactions a the send-many-memo
bulk sending contract.
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
limit | integer number of items to return |
offset | integer number of items to skip |
height | number Filter for transfers only at this given block height |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 0,
- "results": [
- {
- "sender": "ST1RZG804V6Y0N4XHQD3ZE2GE3XSCV3VHRKMA3GB0",
- "amount": "123456789",
- "memo": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- "block_height": 12345,
- "tx_id": "0x29e25515652dad41ef675bd0670964e3d537b80ec19cf6ca6f1dd65d5bc642c5",
- "transfer_type": "bulk-send",
- "tx_index": 3
Get list of all nfts owned by an address, contains the clarity value of the identifier of the nft
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
limit | integer number of items to return |
offset | integer number of items to skip |
unanchored | boolean Default: false Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks |
{- "limit": 20,
- "offset": 0,
- "total": 1,
- "nft_events": [
- {
- "sender": "none",
- "recipient": "ST1HB64MAJ1MBV4CQ80GF01DZS4T1DSMX20ADCRA4",
- "asset_identifier": "some-asset",
- "value": {
- "hex": "0x00",
- "repr": "0"
Get the account data for the provided principal
Where balance is the hex encoding of a unsigned 128-bit integer (big-endian), nonce is a unsigned 64-bit integer, and the proofs are provided as hex strings.
For non-existent accounts, this does not 404, rather it returns an object with balance and nonce of 0.
principal required | string Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g. |
proof | integer Returns object without the proof field if set to 0 |
tip | string The Stacks chain tip to query from |
{- "balance": "0x0000000000000000000000000007a120",
- "locked": "0x0000000000000000000000000007a120",
- "unlock_height": 126,
- "nonce": 2867,
- "balance_proof": "0xabce",
- "nonce_proof": "0xabcd"
{- "peer_version": 385875968,
- "pox_consensus": "17f76e597bab45646956f38dd39573085d72cbc0",
- "burn_block_height": 16,
- "stable_pox_consensus": "8e0561978fc5506b68a589c402dad97e862edb59",
- "stable_burn_block_height": 15,
- "server_version": "blockstack-core 0.0.1 => (, release build, linux [x86_64])",
- "network_id": 2147483648,
- "parent_network_id": 3669344250,
- "stacks_tip_height": 15,
- "stacks_tip": "b1807a2d3f7f8c7922f7c1d60d7c34145ade05d789640dc7dc9ec1021e07bb54",
- "stacks_tip_consensus_hash": "17f76e597bab45646956f38dd39573085d72cbc0",
- "unanchored_tip": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- "exit_at_block_height": null
height | number The block height at which to query supply details from, if not provided then the latest block height is used |
{- "unlocked_percent": "71.99",
- "total_stx": "1352464600.000000",
- "unlocked_stx": "973705260.219817",
- "block_height": 3210
height | number The block height at which to query supply details from, if not provided then the latest block height is used |
{- "unlockedPercent": "71.99",
- "totalStacks": "1352464600.000000",
- "totalStacksFormatted": "1,352,464,600.000000",
- "unlockedSupply": "973705260.219817",
- "unlockedSupplyFormatted": "973,705,260.219817",
- "blockHeight": "665746"
{- "contract_id": "ST000000000000000000002AMW42H.pox",
- "first_burnchain_block_height": 0,
- "min_amount_ustx": 150000000000,
- "registration_window_length": 250,
- "rejection_fraction": 25,
- "reward_cycle_id": 0,
- "reward_cycle_length": 1000,
- "rejection_votes_left_required": 1000,
- "total_liquid_supply_ustx": 1000000000
Search blocks, transactions, contracts, or accounts by hash/ID
id required | string The hex hash string for a block or transaction, account address, or contract address |
{- "found": true,
- "result": {
- "entity_id": "ST2P7B9G6Y55QWZJ9B93DVSEG5S6Z4PFJHB3XRKHW.hello_world",
- "entity_type": "contract_address",
- "tx_data": {
- "canonical": true,
- "block_hash": "0xb076fd3983e63bbf28ae615daa31c5b6084d23ceeb920c54f1ea666244415457",
- "burn_block_time": 1595229199,
- "block_height": 648,
- "tx_type": "smart_contract"
This endpoint returns a list of NetworkIdentifiers that the Rosetta server supports.
{- "network_identifiers": [
- {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
This endpoint returns the version information and allowed network-specific types for a NetworkIdentifier. Any NetworkIdentifier returned by /network/list should be accessible here. Because options are retrievable in the context of a NetworkIdentifier, it is possible to define unique options for each network.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
metadata | object |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
{- "version": {
- "rosetta_version": "string",
- "node_version": "string",
- "middleware_version": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "allow": {
- "operation_statuses": [
- {
- "status": "string",
- "successful": true
], - "operation_types": [
- "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "code": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "retriable": true
], - "historical_balance_lookup": true
This endpoint returns the current status of the network requested. Any NetworkIdentifier returned by /network/list should be accessible here.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
metadata | object |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
{- "current_block_identifier": {
- "hash": "string",
- "index": 0
}, - "current_block_timestamp": 0,
- "genesis_block_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "hash": "string"
}, - "oldest_block_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "hash": "string"
}, - "sync_status": {
- "current_index": 0,
- "target_index": 0,
- "stage": "string",
- "synced": true
}, - "peers": [
- {
- "peer_id": "string",
- "metadata": { }
An AccountBalanceRequest is utilized to make a balance request on the /account/balance endpoint. If the block_identifier is populated, a historical balance query should be performed.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | object (RosettaAccount) The account_identifier uniquely identifies an account within a network. All fields in the account_identifier are utilized to determine this uniqueness (including the metadata field, if populated). |
RosettaBlockIdentifierHash (object) or RosettaBlockIdentifierHeight (object) (RosettaPartialBlockIdentifier) When fetching data by BlockIdentifier, it may be possible to only specify the index or hash. If neither property is specified, it is assumed that the client is making a request at the current block. |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "account_identifier": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "block_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
{- "block_identifier": {
- "hash": "string",
- "index": 0
}, - "balances": [
- {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "coins": [
- {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "metadata": {
- "sequence_number": 0
A BlockRequest is utilized to make a block request on the /block endpoint.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | RosettaBlockIdentifierHash (object) or RosettaBlockIdentifierHeight (object) (RosettaPartialBlockIdentifier) When fetching data by BlockIdentifier, it may be possible to only specify the index or hash. If neither property is specified, it is assumed that the client is making a request at the current block. |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "block_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
{- "block": {
- "block_identifier": {
- "hash": "string",
- "index": 0
}, - "parent_block_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "hash": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0,
- "transactions": [
- {
- "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
}, - "operations": [
- {
- "operation_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
}, - "related_operations": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
], - "type": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "account": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "coin_change": {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "coin_action": "coin_created"
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "metadata": {
- "size": 0,
- "lockTime": 0
], - "metadata": {
- "transactions_root": "string",
- "difficulty": "string"
}, - "other_transactions": [
- {
- "hash": "string"
A BlockTransactionRequest is used to fetch a Transaction included in a block that is not returned in a BlockResponse.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | RosettaBlockIdentifierHash (object) or RosettaBlockIdentifierHeight (object) (RosettaPartialBlockIdentifier) When fetching data by BlockIdentifier, it may be possible to only specify the index or hash. If neither property is specified, it is assumed that the client is making a request at the current block. |
required | object (TransactionIdentifier) The transaction_identifier uniquely identifies a transaction in a particular network and block or in the mempool. |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "block_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
}, - "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
{- "transaction": {
- "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
}, - "operations": [
- {
- "operation_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
}, - "related_operations": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
], - "type": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "account": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "coin_change": {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "coin_action": "coin_created"
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "metadata": {
- "size": 0,
- "lockTime": 0
Get all Transaction Identifiers in the mempool.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
metadata | object |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
{- "transaction_identifiers": [
- {
- "hash": "string"
], - "metadata": { }
A MempoolTransactionRequest is utilized to retrieve a transaction from the mempool.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | object (TransactionIdentifier) The transaction_identifier uniquely identifies a transaction in a particular network and block or in the mempool. |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
{- "transaction": {
- "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
}, - "operations": [
- {
- "operation_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
}, - "related_operations": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
], - "type": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "account": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "coin_change": {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "coin_action": "coin_created"
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "metadata": {
- "size": 0,
- "lockTime": 0
}, - "metadata": { }
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | object (RosettaPublicKey) PublicKey contains a public key byte array for a particular CurveType encoded in hex. Note that there is no PrivateKey struct as this is NEVER the concern of an implementation. |
metadata | object |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "public_key": {
- "hex_bytes": "string",
- "curve_type": "secp256k1"
}, - "metadata": { }
{- "address": "string",
- "account_identifier": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
signed_transaction required | string Signed transaction |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "signed_transaction": "string"
{- "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | object (RosettaOptions) The options that will be sent directly to /construction/metadata by the caller. |
Array of objects (RosettaPublicKey) |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "options": {
- "sender_address": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "status": null,
- "token_transfer_recipient_address": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "gas_limit": 0,
- "gas_price": 0,
- "suggested_fee_multiplier": 0,
- "max_fee": "string",
- "fee": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "contract_address": "string",
- "contract_name": "string",
- "burn_block_height": 0,
- "delegate_to": "string",
- "pox_addr": "string"
}, - "public_keys": [
- {
- "hex_bytes": "string",
- "curve_type": "secp256k1"
{- "metadata": {
- "account_sequence": 0,
- "recent_block_hash": "string"
}, - "suggested_fee": [
- {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
signed required | boolean Signed is a boolean indicating whether the transaction is signed. |
transaction required | string This must be either the unsigned transaction blob returned by /construction/payloads or the signed transaction blob returned by /construction/combine. |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "signed": true,
- "transaction": "string"
{- "operations": [
- {
- "operation_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
}, - "related_operations": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
], - "type": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "account": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "coin_change": {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "coin_action": "coin_created"
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "signers": [
- "string"
], - "account_identifier_signers": [
- {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "metadata": { }
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | Array of objects (RosettaOperation) |
metadata | object |
Array of objects (RosettaMaxFeeAmount) | |
suggested_fee_multiplier | integer The caller can also provide a suggested fee multiplier to indicate that the suggested fee should be scaled. This may be used to set higher fees for urgent transactions or to pay lower fees when there is less urgency. It is assumed that providing a very low multiplier (like 0.0001) will never lead to a transaction being created with a fee less than the minimum network fee (if applicable). In the case that the caller provides both a max fee and a suggested fee multiplier, the max fee will set an upper bound on the suggested fee (regardless of the multiplier provided). |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "operations": [
- {
- "operation_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
}, - "related_operations": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
], - "type": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "account": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "coin_change": {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "coin_action": "coin_created"
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "metadata": { },
- "max_fee": [
- {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "suggested_fee_multiplier": 0
{- "options": {
- "sender_address": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "status": null,
- "token_transfer_recipient_address": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "gas_limit": 0,
- "gas_price": 0,
- "suggested_fee_multiplier": 0,
- "max_fee": "string",
- "fee": "string",
- "size": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "contract_address": "string",
- "contract_name": "string",
- "burn_block_height": 0,
- "delegate_to": "string",
- "pox_addr": "string"
}, - "required_public_keys": [
- {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
Submit a pre-signed transaction to the node.
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
signed_transaction required | string Signed transaction |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "signed_transaction": "string"
{- "transaction_identifier": {
- "hash": "string"
}, - "metadata": { }
Generate and unsigned transaction from operations and metadata
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
required | Array of objects (RosettaOperation) |
Array of objects (RosettaPublicKey) | |
object |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "operations": [
- {
- "operation_identifier": {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
}, - "related_operations": [
- {
- "index": 0,
- "network_index": 0
], - "type": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "account": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "amount": {
- "value": "string",
- "currency": {
- "symbol": "string",
- "decimals": 0,
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "coin_change": {
- "coin_identifier": {
- "identifier": "string"
}, - "coin_action": "coin_created"
}, - "metadata": { }
], - "public_keys": [
- {
- "hex_bytes": "string",
- "curve_type": "secp256k1"
], - "metadata": {
- "account_sequence": 0,
- "recent_block_hash": "string"
{- "unsigned_transaction": "string",
- "payloads": [
- {
- "address": "string",
- "account_identifier": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "hex_bytes": "string",
- "signature_type": "ecdsa"
Take unsigned transaction and signature, combine both and return signed transaction
required | object (NetworkIdentifier) The network_identifier specifies which network a particular object is associated with. |
unsigned_transaction required | string |
required | Array of objects (RosettaSignature) |
{- "network_identifier": {
- "blockchain": "string",
- "network": "string",
- "sub_network_identifier": {
- "network": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "producer": "string"
}, - "unsigned_transaction": "string",
- "signatures": [
- {
- "signing_payload": {
- "address": "string",
- "account_identifier": {
- "address": "string",
- "sub_account": {
- "address": "string",
- "metadata": { }
}, - "metadata": { }
}, - "hex_bytes": "string",
- "signature_type": "ecdsa"
}, - "public_key": {
- "hex_bytes": "string",
- "curve_type": "secp256k1"
}, - "signature_type": "ecdsa",
- "hex_bytes": "string"
{- "signed_transaction": "string"
name required | string Example: the name to query price information for |
{- "name_price": {
- "units": "STX",
- "amount": "100000"
tld required | string Example: id the namespace to fetch names from |
page required | integer Example: page=23 names are returned in pages of size 100, so specify the page number. |
[- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
page required | integer Example: page=23 names are returned in pages of size 100, so specify the page number. |
[- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
name required | string Example: fully-qualified name |
{- "address": "1J3PUxY5uDShUnHRrMyU6yKtoHEUPhKULs",
- "blockchain": "bitcoin",
- "expire_block": 599266,
- "grace_period": false,
- "last_txid": "1edfa419f7b83f33e00830bc9409210da6c6d1db60f99eda10c835aa339cad6b",
- "renewal_deadline": 604266,
- "resolver": null,
- "status": "registered",
- "zonefile": "$ORIGIN\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp IN URI 10 1 \"\"\n",
- "zonefile_hash": "37aecf837c6ae9bdc9dbd98a268f263dacd00361"
name required | string Example: name to query |
page required | integer the page (in 20-entry pages) of the history to fetch |
{- "zonefile": "$ORIGIN\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp IN URI 10 1 \"\"\n"
name required | string Example: bar.test fully-qualified name |
{- "zonefile": "$ORIGIN bar.test\n$TTL 3600\n_https._tcp URI 10 1 \"\"\n"
name required | string Example: fully-qualified name |
zoneFileHash required | string Example: b100a68235244b012854a95f9114695679002af9 zone file hash |
{- "$id": "bns-fetch-historical-zone-file-response",
- "title": "BnsFetchHistoricalZoneFileResponse",
- "description": "Fetches the historical zonefile specified by the username and zone hash.",
- "required": [ ],
- "anyOf": [
- {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "zonefile": {
- "type": "string"
}, - {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "error": {
- "type": "string"
blockchain required | string Example: bitcoin the layer-1 blockchain for the address |
address required | string Example: 1QJQxDas5JhdiXhEbNS14iNjr8auFT96GP the address to lookup |
{- "names": [
- ""
page required | integer Example: page=3 names are returned in pages of size 100, so specify the page number. |
[- "collegeinfogeek.verified.podcast",
- "collider.verified.podcast",
- "combatandclassics.verified.podcast",
- "combatjack.verified.podcast",
- "comedybangbang.verified.podcast",
- "comedybutton.verified.podcast",
- "commonsense.verified.podcast",
- ""
txid required | string Example: d04d708472ea3c147f50e43264efdb1535f71974053126dc4db67b3ac19d41fe transaction id |
[- {
- "accepted": 1,
- "block_height": 546199,
- "domain": "id.blockstack",
- "fully_qualified_subdomain": "",
- "missing": "",
- "owner": "17Q8hcsxRLCk3ypJiGeXQv9tFK9GnHr5Ea",
- "parent_zonefile_hash": "58224144791919f6206251a9960a2dd5723b96b6",
- "parent_zonefile_index": 95780,
- "sequence": 0,
- "signature": "None",
- "txid": "d04d708472ea3c147f50e43264efdb1535f71974053126dc4db67b3ac19d41fe",
- "zonefile_hash": "d3bdf1cf010aac3f21fac473e41450f5357e0817",
- "zonefile_offset": 0
}, - {
- "accepted": 1,
- "block_height": 546199,
- "domain": "id.blockstack",
- "fully_qualified_subdomain": "",
- "missing": "",
- "owner": "17tFeKEBMUAAiHVsCgqKo8ccwYqq7aCn9X",
- "parent_zonefile_hash": "58224144791919f6206251a9960a2dd5723b96b6",
- "parent_zonefile_index": 95780,
- "sequence": 0,
- "signature": "None",
- "txid": "d04d708472ea3c147f50e43264efdb1535f71974053126dc4db67b3ac19d41fe",
- "zonefile_hash": "ab79b1774fa7a4c5709b6ad4e5892fb7c0f79765",
- "zonefile_offset": 1